HIMSS: The State of Healthcare Innovation Survey [Infographic]

In just a few days, more than 37,000 healthcare IT professionals, clinicians, executives and vendors from around the world will descend upon Orlando for the 2014 HIMSS Conference and Exhibition, which features best-in-class workshops, round table discussions, thought leader sessions,  health IT products and networking opportunities. It's no wonder the theme for the conference is […]

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How We at Healthcare IT Leaders Give Back to the Community

We’re on a mission to give back to the community we work in, and we base it on the Salesforce.com Foundation’s 1/1/1 model. The Salesforce.com 1/1/1 philanthropic approach leverages the company’s “people, technology and resources to build collective knowledge and enable action to improve communities throughout the world.” In essence, Salesforce.com helps its people find meaningful ways […]

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Top 6 Reasons to Be a Health IT Consultant

Sure, career moves are scary, but if you’re considering leaving the full-time employee life to become a health IT consultant, you stand to enjoy a new-found freedom. You’ll learn lots, share lessons learned with your peers, set your own schedule and be paid to tell people how to improve the work they’re doing. Whether you […]

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3 Must-Read Resources to Understand Big Data in Healthcare

As the New Year begins, we can reflect on the past year’s technology investments’ maturation. Fittingly, the December Harvard Business Review closed 2013 with a spotlight on “Making Your Company Data-Friendly.” Three of the articles provide some edgy considerations for healthcare IT in 2014. Analytics 3.0 Thomas H. Davenport in Analytics 3.0 says to envision […]

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How to Be the Most Organized Person in the World [Infographic]

Still pursuing that New Year's resolution? The number one New Year's resolution is losing weight, but the second most popular resolution is getting organized, according to a survey by the University of Scranton Journal of Clinical Psychology. It makes sense - if you were organized, you'd be less distracted, feel less stress and even be […]

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ICD-10 Testing and Readiness: No Longer a Marathon, It’s a Sprint

In conversation recently with a dear old friend, who also happens to be an outstanding IT project manager in a cutting-edge hospital system, I broached the subject of their transition to ICD-10. It was progressing well, she confided. In fact, they would be ready to start testing by mid-August! I was slack-jawed with surprise. Weren’t […]

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Clinical Informatics Now Certified

More than 450 doctors have a new credential to add to their CVs. They are the first-ever to be recognized as board-certified clinical informatics. The American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) led the drive to have a clinical informatics subspecialty recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). The AMIA said formal recognition as a […]

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ICD-10 Test Jobs in High Demand as Implementation Deadline Looms

It's go-time for ICD-10 testing - and ICD-10 testers. Half of the providers who responded to a recent ICD-10 readiness survey said they would begin their external testing in the first half of 2014. Still others are only at the internal testing phase or not yet testing at all. That means hospitals and health systems, […]

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Hospitals Emphasize Financial, Technology Skills in CEO Searches

Could leaders of tech companies or CIOs transition to hospital CEO roles? A new study suggests it’s possible. As reported in Healthcare IT News, a survey of 1,404 hospital HR officers and board members suggests that skills in business development, financial management and technology will weigh more heavily in new CEO hiring in 2014 than […]

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Meet the Recruiter: Andy Bryant

Consultant Advisor Andy Bryant loves his day job recruiting for Healthcare IT Leaders, but if he wasn’t working here, he would be working as a missionary around the world. He’s been involved with global missions with his Alpharetta church since 2005, traveling to Mexico three times, Haiti twice, the Dominican Rublic, Cambodia and Kenya. Andy, […]

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Salaries for HIT Professionals Increase

Salary-wise, 2013 was a good year to be a HIT professional. Over two-thirds of respondents to an annual compensation survey of healthcare IT workers said their pay increased last year by an average of 4.16%. Executive managers in HIT saw the biggest boost with an average increase of 6.10%. Senior management was next in line […]

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8 Crazy ICD-10 Codes We Hope You Never See [Infographic]

The next time your in-laws give you trouble - and you go to the hospital for it - your hospital staff should know exactly how to code that if they've completed the switch to ICD-10. Though some zany codes for ICD-9, like an injury by a spacecraft or one caused by a paintball gun, won't […]

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