Epic Ambulatory Jobs Lead ‘White Hot’ Epic Market

Certified Epic Ambulatory consultants are in highest demand in today’s hospital IT job market, according to Healthcare IT Leaders. Our analysis of client job requests since 2012 shows one out of every 10 jobs posted to our website is an Epic Ambulatory job. The next five most requested roles are also typically part of a […]

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Tour Our Healthcare IT Leaders Office

Welcome to Healthcare IT Leaders! We pride ourselves on our cool office setting in Alpharetta, Ga., so we wanted to invite you to take a look around to see where we work, what energizes us and how we blow off steam with a little playtime. We've been named One of the Best Places to Work […]

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Improve EHR Adoption by Starting at the Beginning

Recent headlines tell us physicians lag in EHR adoption and I expect that we will see that headline repeated for a while. But in the midst of our country’s unprecedented investment in eHealth, we're also learning how to do things right, and I do think best practices are emerging to lessen the EHR adoption curve for […]

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4 Differences Between Epic-Certified Consulting and Full-Time Employment

Full-time information technology professionals transitioning to Epic-certified consultant work may wonder what they’re getting themselves into. One work lifestyle doesn’t necessarily outweigh the other, though each has clear benefits and pitfalls. What’s right for you depends on your personality, family situation, skill set and career goals. Weigh your options by considering the four major differences […]

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Infographic: What’s Possible for Health Care With EHR

The adoption of electronic health records, or EHR, in U.S. hospitals and physicians groups promises a uniform system of tracking patients' charts, X-rays and medical history. But what else is possible with advances in healthcare records? For starters, clinicians and patients will have real-time access to medical records and should be able to streamline administrative […]

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Help Wanted: Solutions for the HIT Hiring Crisis

Find solutions for your HIT hiring questions and register now for an expert webinar presented by Towers Watson and Healthcare IT Leaders. During the “Help Wanted: Solutions for the Hit Hiring Crisis” webinar, airing at 1 p.m. EDT June 5, CIOs, CMIOs, IT and EMR project personnel, hospital human resources and HIT hiring personnel will discover […]

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How to Track Down Your Childhood Immunization Records

Those applying for a healthcare IT job might be surprised to discover that for a hospital to hire you, you must provide a copy of your childhood immunization records. True, some healthcare IT jobs won’t be bedside, but hospitals must maintain a sterile environment and avoid outbreaks against the major childhood diseases. Unfortunately, there is […]

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HIT Needs of States in Focus at May Conference

The 2013 State Healthcare IT Connect Summit (May 21-22, Baltimore, Maryland) brings together public and private sector thought leaders to share ideas and benchmark implementation strategies of state health IT systems as they move forward with diverse State health reform agendas. This 2013 healthcare IT conference is co-sponsored by the National Association for County and City […]

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Five Workplace Lessons from Reese Witherspoon’s Arrest

The dash cam video of Reese Witherspoon’s recent arrest is racing across the internet at warp speed, and it’s a cringe-worthy primer on how to take a bad situation and make it much, much worse. This type of ill-advised and career-damaging behavior isn't just limited to tipsy actresses in Atlanta parking lots. It can happen in the […]

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Effective HIT: The heart and backbone of a dominant ACO

A newly published survey of physicians highlights the increasing importance of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) in the overall healthcare landscape. The 2013 Medscape Physician Compensation Report finds 24 percent of doctors in an ACO or planning to be one in the coming year. That’s up dramatically from just 8 percent in the 2012 Medscape survey. […]

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Prepare Your Children for Your Consultant Job Travel

When you accept a job as a healthcare IT consultant, you may have to be away from your family for days or weeks at a time. Whether you’re back home on the weekends or work straight through the assignment, your children may not understand why such an important member of their family is away for […]

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