Get the Latest Health IT Jobs in your Inbox with our Job Alerts

To stay current on all the latest job opportunities at Healthcare IT Leaders, you could bookmark our job page and visit our website every single day. But that seems like a lot of work.

That's why we came up with Job Alerts, a quick and easy way to get all of our freshest jobs delivered right to your inbox. Here's how they work.

  1. Your Job Alert box is always visible on our job search page. On most devices, you'll see the box on the left side of your browser.Healthcare IT Leaders Job Alerts A
  2. The default alert is for all jobs, but to customize your alert, just change the filters above our jobs or type in keywords like Epic or Cerner.Healthcare IT Leaders Job Alerts B
  3. Once you have set your preferred criteria, just submit your email address and you are all set. You'll receive a confirmation email from us and then updates whenever a job that matches your specifications is posted. It's that simple, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

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